It's that time of year again. No, it's not Christmas yet. It's time for another giveaway from CSN Stores! And this one is just in time for the holidays! In their 200+ stores, they have everything from
leather messenger bags to kids toys to cookware. If you haven't been over to their site directory, you can find it
So to spread the holiday cheer, I'm happy to have been given the chance to host a giveaway for a $45 gift code that can be used at any of CSN Store's 200+ stores!
How to enter:
1) Leave your name/nickname/e-mail or some sort of identifying feature in the comments below (I need to be able to contact you via e-mail for you to claim your prize).
2) Become a follower of my blog to enter a second time.
3) Enter a third time by re-posting this giveaway on your own blog and leaving a comment with a link to your post.
4) Enter a forth time by Tweeting/Facebook-ing/social networking the contest and leaving a comment with a link.
Make sure to leave a comment for each entry (ie. one when you leave your name, another if you become a follower etc.).Entries good until 7 a.m. Friday (Decemer 3rd) morning.
Happy entering and good luck!